
Data Masking Cloud offers a comprehensive data masking solution designed to safeguard sensitive information, including Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). This robust solution ensures the complete anonymization of sensitive details by replacing them with realistic, functional, and irreversible masked data.

Data Masking Cloud adheres to a wide range of globally recognized security policies and standards, including HIPAA, GDPR, PCI-DSS, and ISO27001. This strict compliance provides organizations with the utmost confidence in their data security practices.

Team size

1 member


Security Solution


Python, AWS, Azure, React JS, Selenium (Test Automation)


Value Delivered

  • Widely Available & Japan-Focused Support: DataMasque is on the AWS Marketplace and promoted by AWS. CodeComplete, a top QA provider, is the exclusive reseller in Japan.
  • Evolving Features & User-Friendly: DataMasque constantly adds new masking options that work with existing ones. It also automatically generates rules, making it easier to use.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Optimizing Performance for Large Datasets: Maintaining the high performance of newly introduced masking functions when dealing with massive datasets presented a technical challenge. DataMasque’s development team continues to address this aspect.
  • Enhanced User Experience through Clear Communication: DataMasque prioritizes user experience by providing informative log messages within the application’s run log. These messages clearly communicate updates and modifications, allowing users to effortlessly stay informed and adapt their workflows accordingly.