
CMS (Content Management System) was developed for one of the biggest Japanese housing loan companies. This system is used to update housing loan information on their website and landing page.

Team size

10 members




PHP, Winter CMS, AWS


Value Delivered

  • Usability improvement: This project involved replacing the old CMS with a new and improved one. The customer was highly satisfied with the new CMS and confirmed that usability had improved by resolving legacy bugs and addressing difficulties in use.
  • Improved operation flow: The improved operation flow was established by implementing an appropriate approval process before publishing content on their website. CodeComplete proposed a better approval flow and account settings.
  • New function: A new function was added that allows users to see the history and changes when adding, editing, or deleting content before publishing it. This feature enables users to perform more precise work when creating content.
  • Operation cost reduction: By switching to our service, the customer was able to lower their operational cost.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Legal compliance: The customer must comply with Japanese money lending business laws, which requires us to consider how to adhere to these regulations from a system development perspective. To achieve this, both the customer and the team continuously remind each other to adhere to compliance requirements.
  • Communication: The infrastructure is managed by another vendor, and the four stakeholders (our customer, the system team from our customer’s company, the infrastructure vendor, and CodeComplete) need to communicate carefully and accurately to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications.