
This platform for funeral homes facilitates online funeral arrangements. It allows sending obituary notices, condolence messages, condolence money, and gifts online. Additionally, it offers a digital reception service for recording attendee information at funerals or wakes, replacing traditional handwritten methods. The platform also has a dedicated portal for Okinawa prefecture, where obituary notices for individuals from the prefecture can be posted.

Team size

7 members


Funeral Services


ReactJS, AWS Lambda, Serverless, Node.js, DynamoDB


Value Delivered

  • New Feature Development: A new feature was developed that allows for iPad-based check-in at funeral venues, streamlining the process of registering attendees in the guestbook.
  • Payment Processing Upgrade: The existing payment system was upgraded to the latest payment processing method (Stripe), ensuring greater stability and security.
  • Dramatic Improvement in Development Efficiency: By fundamentally overhauling the existing system environment, we added a development environment to the previously staging-only setup, reducing build times by one-eighth.

Challenge and Solutions

  • New Industry: Since this was our first development project in the funeral industry, we made sure to thoroughly understand the business structure and workflow before proceeding with the project.
  • Strict Schedule Management: The project required strict schedule management to ensure delivery aligned perfectly with the client’s go-live schedule. As a result, we implemented more rigorous progress-tracking methods than usual.