
This cloud-based service enables hospitals and nursing facilities to share information about real-time availability and efficiently manage patient transfers. By fostering regional collaboration, it enhances communication and coordination among healthcare providers, improving operational efficiency and profitability. This system supports healthcare facilities in optimizing resource utilization and delivering timely, effective patient care.

Team size

4 members




PHP, Laravel, React JS


Value Delivered

  • DX Implementation: Currently, the process of transferring patients who no longer need hospitalization in the recovery phase to care facilities is handled via phone and fax. By utilizing this system, the entire process can be digitalized (DX) and completed online.
  • Usability: CodeComplete proposed and developed a user-friendly UX that allows easy management of hospital and care facility beds on both computers and smartphones, ensuring convenient operation for users.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Critical Bug Fixes: Critical bugs were found when CodeComplete conducted a pre-test on the existing system before we started the development, and completed all necessary fixes before the release.
  • Development with Constraints: Since the project involved improving an existing system, we couldn’t use the frameworks and tools we typically recommend to our clients. Instead, we had to enhance functionality and usability within the limitations of the existing system.