
This is a cloud-based recruitment service that connects companies looking to hire recent high school graduates with high schools, students, and their parents.

Team size

6 members




Ruby on Rails, Ruby, Firebase Authentication, DX Suite, MySQL, Vue.js, Bootstrap


Value Delivered

  • Efficiency: The entire recruitment process (sending job postings, receiving, managing, viewing, applying, and hiring), previously handled via mail, phone, and fax, has been digitalized. By completing everything online, overall operational efficiency has been improved.
  • Process Improvement: A new feature was introduced that automatically calculates the number of students seeking employment within the system, eliminating the manual counting previously done by teachers, further enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • New Feature: To import job posting data into the system, an OCR feature was implemented through integration with a third-party service.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Challenges in Taking Over a Maintenance Project:
    • Investigating the Project: After taking over the project, it is crucial to thoroughly investigate it to understand the business and the technologies being used. This helps in identifying potential risks and areas for improvement.
    • Security: APIs that did not adhere to security standards were refactored to ensure the database’s integrity and protection.
    • Performance: Many pages experienced long loading times and processing delays, sometimes even timing out, which negatively impacted the user experience. Effective solutions were proposed and implemented to significantly improve performance.
    • UI/UX: Discussions were held with the client to update and add new elements, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • DX Suite: This is a new technology that incorporates AI in document reading, presenting a challenge in learning and applying it to the project.