5 Months, New Skills, New Culture: Reflections on an Internship Abroad

Koki's blog

My name is Koki Matsuno from Japan, and I recently completed a 5-month engineering internship at CodeComplete in Da Nang, Vietnam. I would like to share some of the experiences I had during this internship.

Motivations for Pursuing Internship

I decided to join the internship to achieve two main goals. First, I wanted to improve my software development skills. Although I studied IT for six years at university, I lacked practical experience in developing software. I believed that working on a real project would help me overcome this weakness. Second, I wanted to experience living in a foreign country. I have always been interested in foreign cultures, and this internship offered the perfect opportunity to live and work abroad, allowing me to gain a broader perspective outside of Japan.

The Project I joined

  • Training

During the training, I learned the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Although I had some experience creating web pages, the training was challenging for me. I encountered frameworks I had never used before, and it took me a while to understand them. When I finally completed the training task of cloning a webpage, I felt a great sense of accomplishment.


The training also included opportunities to make presentations to share what I had learned. This helped me deepen my understanding of the material.

  • The Real Project

In the real project, I worked on front-end development using Vue and JavaScript, and back-end development using Java. The project was entirely new and challenging for me, especially since I was unfamiliar with Vue and Java. Fortunately, I had supportive team members who always helped me solve problems as I worked on tasks.

Additionally, I handled customer relations, including performing demonstrations, translating requirement documents, and exchanging ideas. I discovered that I really enjoyed interacting with customers and acting as a bridge between the development team and the clients.

Unique Culture in CodeComplete

  • Happy Time

At CodeComplete Vietnam, we have a fun event called “Happy Time” every Friday afternoon. During this time, we gather to enjoy fresh fruits and snacks while chatting with fellow company members. I make a point to engage in conversations with colleagues who sit farther away from my desk, which allows me to connect with a wide range of people. Additionally, we celebrate together whenever a member has a work anniversary or birthday, adding to the camaraderie and sense of community within the company.

  • Napping Culture

In Vietnam, taking a nap after lunch is a cultural norm. As a result, our lunch breaks are 90 minutes long, slightly longer than in Japan. This nap refreshes me significantly, boosting my task efficiency. It’s more than just a nap—it’s a cherished cultural practice!

Enjoyable Life in Da Nang

  • Traveling

During the holidays, I went to many places in Vietnam. One of the places that impressed me the most was Da Lat. Known as the “Flower City,” Da Lat is adorned with vibrant flower gardens everywhere. The comfortable weather reminds me of spring and makes me feel peaceful.


Moreover, you can find many beautiful churches like European buildings as well. I definitely recommend Da Lat for anyone seeking natural beauty and fantastic scenery.

Events and Activities

  • Cycling Adventures

Finally, I want to share memorable experiences from activities at CodeComplete. Every event I joined, from the Badminton club to cycling and team trips, was immensely enjoyable. Especially the memory of cycling is unforgettable for me, waking up before dawn and going up a mountain road feeling a cool wind was amazing. I was lucky to see animals and enjoy the nature around the mountains as well.

I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all company members for the warmest welcome and the kindest support for me. I really like members of CodeComplete and Da Nang. My wonderful experience here is precious to me.

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