
A Comprehensive Mobile Software Platform

This is a mobile software solution designed to empower businesses and contractors across diverse industries. This cloud-based platform offers remarkable accessibility, allowing users to manage their operations from anywhere, anytime, using either a mobile phone or a computer, depending on their specific needs.

It stands out for its user-friendly interface and cost-effectiveness. It streamlines the management of worksites, staff, and equipment, promoting operational efficiency. Additionally, ihub facilitates compliance with health and safety regulations by providing a clear and easily accessible record of implemented measures.

Team size

3 members




Cordova, Ionic, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL


Value Delivered

Streamlined On-Site Operations Management System:

  • Efficient Time & Attendance Tracking: Enables staff and contractors to seamlessly check-in and check-out, ensuring accurate and verifiable timekeeping records.
  • Enhanced Safety Protocols: Facilitates auditable site hazard management at check-in, promoting a proactive approach to worker safety.
  • Real-Time Resource Visibility: Provides immediate insight into the availability and operational readiness (fit for purpose) of all organizational resources, encompassing equipment, vehicles, site installations, and staff certifications.
  • Comprehensive Fleet Management: Offers centralized control over vehicle fleets, including streamlined management tasks and the ability to conduct thorough vehicle safety checks.
  • Automated Alerts & Reporting: Automates the generation of alerts and re-inspection scheduling for identified hazards and resource status changes. Simplifies access to clear and comprehensive data visualizations, enabling informed decision-making.

Challenge and Solutions

  • It was the first New Zealand project and the team contributed themselves to make a good relationship with the customers.
  • It was our first Angular and Ruby project and we had a good experience with new knowledge.
  • This project proved CodeComplete’s research and challenge abilities. We have earned trust from the customer, and consequently have more projects from them. Also, they have introduced a new client who is one of the biggest companies in New Zealand.