
This system extracts and processes medication information from QR codes embedded on prescriptions. The extracted data is then stored in a secure electronic log. Additionally, the system offers functionalities for users to schedule medication intake and create personalized reminders.

Team size

6 members




iOS Native, Android Native, Firebase Services, Cloud


Value Delivered

Enhanced Accessibility:

  • Unrestricted Access: Medication information can be readily retrieved at any time and from any location, promoting informed patient care.

Family Management:

  • Shared Management: The system facilitates the consolidated management of medication information for the entire family, eliminating the need for individual medication logs.

Data Security and Continuity:

  • Cloud-Based Storage: Leveraging cloud storage ensures data security and accessibility, even in unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters.
  • Offline Functionality: The system offers an offline mode, guaranteeing continued access to medication information regardless of internet connectivity.

Data Portability:

  • Account Migration: Users can seamlessly migrate medication data from existing applications, fostering a centralized and streamlined experience.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Unified Application Management: This system employs a code-sharing and cloning approach, enabling the management of multiple applications under a single framework. This promotes efficient development and maintenance.
  • Comprehensive Prescription Data Capture: The system supports the capture of prescription data through various methods, including forms, image uploads, and bulk scanning of QR codes using libraries like ZXing or Deso. Captured data is then consolidated and securely transmitted to the server for processing and storage.