
The online medication counseling system is a system developed for patients to receive medication counseling from pharmacists using video calls on smartphones or computers. Medication counseling involves pharmacists explaining prescribed medications and checking for drug interactions to ensure patients take their medications correctly and appropriately for successful drug therapy. This is a duty defined by Japanese law (the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act).

Before March 2020 in Japan, online medication counseling could only be provided for “specific diseases” and “follow-up consultations.” However, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, regulations were changed, and online medication guidance became more widespread. Furthermore, with the revision of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act in April 2022, all patients can now receive online medication guidance at any time. Technology and revisions to the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act have enhanced patient convenience and also contributed to infection prevention.

Team size

5 members




PHP, Vue.js, MySQL, AWS, Linux, Video Chat


Value Delivered

  • Convenience: Patients can receive medication guidance from anywhere, such as from their home or workplace, saving time otherwise spent traveling to the pharmacy.
  • High Security: As the service handles personal information, including prescription details, we ensured strict compliance with security measures throughout the project.
  • Scalability: CodeComplete designed the architecture to handle a large increase in users, enabling smooth expansion of the service through system development.

Challenge and Solutions

  • Integration: As the service requires integration with multiple applications, we ensured smooth project progression by thoroughly coordinating with several companies involved in the project, managing progress checks, and task management to achieve seamless integration.